Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Gingers F to L

F is for Frazzled Mums!!!  The village mums and dads have been amazing: They never expected to home-school their kids, especially not while in many cases also caring for self isolating elderly relatives and working from home themselves!  Many told me they hadn't done any school work with their kids, but I know their children have learned to cook, to ride bikes, to do somersaults on the trampoline, to grow (and eat!) vegetables and how to use Zoom to 'meet' up with classmates: they learned more than you know and you have done a great job!  Thank you!

Firefighters have been needed just as much through lockdown as at other times, and of course they have had to work together in close proximity regardless of the risk.  Fire Fighters and rescue teams are heroes all year round!!  Thank you for everything 

Funeral Directors - we owe a big thanks to all who deal with that side of “life”, including at the moment dealing with grieving relatives who can’t give their loved ones the send off they want.  Thank you

Ginge: People couldn't get out to be entertained but the pubs in the village arranged music nights so people could attend from their own homes.  This Ginger represents our own Ginge who raised money for the Wraysbury and Horton Voluntary Care charity: Thank you Ginge

Handyman and odd job people were in lockdown and isolation but have still answered the call of “my loo is broken”, “my shower is leaking” or “help I broke the  [insert object name]” and have ventured out to help their customers: I know this because I’m married to one !  

Lap Top users: This Ginger is to thank the people who have not been able to go to work- they have sat at their lap top on the floor, on the bed, amongst the children’s toys, anywhere rather than their comfortable health and safety approved desk!  This design was tweaked to represent different bank workers - I have a friend who works at a traditional bank who has been working long hours to process loan applications to help people through this; and other who works at an international bank who was tube travelling into London long after lockdown despite being vulnerable cancer survivor, and my older  daughter who works for an online bank whose team of developers have had to make all sorts of changes to allow us to bank under these changes circumstances.  It also thanks a member of our extended family who works for a Data Bank - we are all relying on the internet so much more which means we need him to ensure it’s working well.  Thank you to the bank staff and all the others who have managed to keep going thanks to there trusted laptop!

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